The concept of surgical theater dates back to ancient times, where operations were performed before audiences for educational and observational purposes. During the Renaissance, formalized amphitheaters with tiered seating emerged, facilitating the teaching of anatomy and surgery. Drawing inspiration from the immersive narratives of the operating theater, which dates back to ancient times, where surgeries were performed before audiences for educational and observational purposes.


At the heart of SOMAMIE Lab's artistic endeavor lies the esoteric alchemy of Surgical Theater. SOMAMIE Lab infuses its art with the performative aspect of the operating theater, where each surgical act becomes a scene, a tableau vivant of human ingenuity and vulnerability. SOMAMIE Lab aspires to perform the operations live at Berlin's Tieranatomisches Theater, an ideal venue that embodies the historical legacy of anatomical exploration.


The Tieranatomisches Theater (Veterinary Anatomy Theater) in Berlin, Germany is an exhibition space and stage for experimental forms of presentation and a laboratory for curatorial practices. Primarily a research institution at the Humboldt-Universität , T.A.T. focuses on critical examination of the multifaceted role of material culture, collections and institutions.


In the upcoming year, I have tremendous ambition for my live surgery performance to come to life within the historic walls of the Tieranatomisches Theater in Berlin. It is my fervent desire to share this transformative experience with a full audience, creating a profound connection between my artistic expression, the surgical narrative, and the receptive hearts of those in attendance.